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Add New Habits Seamlessly

It is the practice of incorporating new habits by linking them to established habits. By pairing habits together, you don’t change your routine and this can feel effortless.

How to Habit Stack:

1- Identify your current habits in your daily routine (brushing your teeth, making tea, or checking messages, dropping off kids at school, walking the dog…)

2- Target Habits: List the new habits you want to bring on. Make sure to select relatively simple ones that can be performed quickly..

3- Stack: Pair new habits with seasoned ones, for example, if you want to start meditating, you could do it right after brushing your teeth in the morning.

4- Consistency: By performing the habit stack over and over, it will more likely become a new habit and become ingrained. The more you repeat the sequence, the more automatic it becomes.

5- Monitor Progress and Celebrate Milestones: Keep track of your progress through a journal, app, or any means that feels easy for you to stick to. Monitoring your success can help you stay motivated and accountable.

6- Share your journey with others and  be patient: Developing new habits takes time, so be patient with yourself. Looking for support in your community, it is really helpful to share the will to progress with like minded people. 

When you want to incorporate new habits into your life, it’s important to explore different methods and see which one suits you best. 

Aiming to create a seamless and efficient routine is everyone’s goal but the road to get there can be bumpy. Most important is to not give up and switch methods until you find the right fit.

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