Our Detox Packages

Detoxing is essential for maintaining optimal health, as it helps remove toxins, improves energy levels, and supports the body's natural processes. A regular detox can enhance digestion, boost the immune system, and promote overall well-being. By cleansing the body, we pave the way for better nutrient absorption and a revitalized, healthier life.

Starts 10/06/2024

7 Days

Lymphatic 140 Euros + VAT

Week 1 : Lymphatic System Detox

During that week, you’ll support this process with a morning juice, herbal tea, beneficial foods promoting elimination and routines that promote lymphatic health.

  • Supplements (1 Weeks Supply)

  • Diet Guidelines (You provide your own food)

  • Access to the Detox WhatsApp Group and Ongoing Support

Longevity House Support includes the provision of:

  • Morning Juice (Week 1)

  • Herbal Tea (1 Weeks Supply)

Starts 17/06/2024

7 Days

Liver Detox - 140 Euros + VAT

Week 2: Liver Detox

During that week, you’ll focus on foods and routines that support liver health. Starting each day with a liver detox smoothie, include beneficial foods in your diet and take specific supplements.

If you are currently taking any medication please message me privately. hello@longevityhouse.com

  • Supplements (1 Week Supply)

  • Diet Guidelines (You provide your own food)

  • Access to the Detox WhatsApp Group and Ongoing Support

Longevity House Support includes the provision of:

  • Morning Smoothie (1 Week Supply)

  • Herbal Tea (1 Week Supply)

Starts 10/06/2024

14 Days

Lymphatic + Liver Detox - 280 Euros + VAT

Week 1 : Lymphatic System Detox

During that week, you’ll support this process with a morning juice, herbal tea, beneficial foods promoting elimination and routines that promote lymphatic health.

Week 2: Liver Detox

During that week, you’ll focus on foods and routines that support liver health. Starting each day with a liver detox smoothie, include beneficial foods in your diet and take specific supplements.

If you are currently taking any medication please message me privately. hello@longevityhouse.com

  • Supplements (2 Weeks Supply)

  • Diet Guidelines (You provide your own food)

  • Access to the Detox WhatsApp Group and Ongoing Support

Longevity House Support includes the provision of:

  • Morning Juice (Week 1)

  • Morning Smoothie (Week 2)

  • Herbal Tea (2 Weeks Supply)

"Detoxification is the missing link to vibrant health and well-being."

— Ann Louise Gittleman